10 Tips for Farming Masseter Prime Relics in Warframe 

By: admin

1. Use Reliquary Keys. Reliquary Keys increase your chances of obtaining Relics from missions.


Vaulted Relics contain Prime parts from previously released Prime Access packs. You can use Void Traces to open Vaulted Relics. 

2.. Farm Vaulted Relics. 

3.Join a clan or find a group of players to farm Relics with. This will make the process faster and more efficient.

4. Focus on missions that drop the Relics you need. You can use the Warframe wiki to find out which missions drop which Relics.

5.Use Void Fissures to increase your chances of obtaining rare Relics. Void Fissures have a higher chance of dropping Rare and Axi Relics.

6.Don't be afraid to refine your Relics. Refining Relics increases your chances of obtaining the rewards you want.

7. Use Boosters. Boosters can increase your chances of obtaining Relics, Void Traces, and other rewards.

8. Be patient. Farming Relics can be time-consuming, but it is worth it in the end.

9. Have fun! Warframe is a game, so make sure you are enjoying the process of farming Relics.

10. Use the Void Relic Radar. The Void Relic Radar is a consumable item that will show you the location of Void Fissures on the star chart.